Barry Faulkner 's Books
A very well recieved series by Barry Faulkner are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are TURKISH DELIGHT, LOOT & I'M WITH THE BAND: The DCS Palmer and the Serial Murder Squad series by B.L.Faulkner. Cases 5 & 6 (DCS Palmer and the Serial Murder Squad cases Book 3), TURKISH DELIGHT: Ben Nevis and the Gold Digger book 1, NATIONAL TREASURE, NATIONAL TREASURE: Ben Nevis and the Gold Digger book 2, TAKEAWAY TERROR: The DCS Palmer and the Serial Murder Squad series. Case No.8, which was published in 2022.
LOOT & I'M WITH THE BAND: The DCS Palmer and the Serial Murder Squad series by B.L.Faulkner. Cases 5 & 6 (DCS Palmer and the Serial Murder Squad cases Book 3)
TURKISH DELIGHT: Ben Nevis and the Gold Digger book 1
NATIONAL TREASURE: Ben Nevis and the Gold Digger book 2
TAKEAWAY TERROR: The DCS Palmer and the Serial Murder Squad series. Case No.8